You’re Our Backbone

Volunteers are the backbone of our organization and allow us to carry out our mission of bettering the lives of incarcerated people and their families. There are a variety of roles that volunteers play in the organization. Many people facilitate programming, while others organize the Holiday Gift Bag project.

CPO is committed to helping people who are incarcerated build better lives for themselves and their families. CPO works cooperatively with the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC), offering educational programs that focus on skill-building and personal growth, essentials to help support people in prison to achieve success post-incarceration.

Within this area of the site, you’ll find the information you’ll need to help you get started, a variety of volunteering resources to help your skills and understanding of our program, as well as a “Frequently Asked Questions” area to guide you. Additionally, explore our “Making an Impact” section, to read inspiring stories of some of our CPO volunteers.

Concord Prison Outreach
2025 Volunteer Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to contextualize the role as a volunteer inside Massachusetts prisons and jails. It provides information on incarceration in Massachusetts, the on boarding process, volunteer expectations, and polices and procedures.


Concord Prison Outreach partners with the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) and Middlesex Sheriff’s Office in Billerica, MA to provide programming across eight sites. The DOC oversees the state prison system and manages incarcerated people in 8 state correctional facilities. Each prison is assigned a security level based on the population’s perceived safety risk. There are four levels: maximum, medium, minimum, and pre-release (Prison Security Levels). CPO volunteers facilitate programs at the following DOC sites and at Middlesex Jail & House of Correction (MHOC), a county-jail in Billerica. This site houses men awaiting trial and serving sentences up to 2.5 years.

Make A Difference Today

Through time, or donation, you can make the difference in an individuals life and future both inside and outside of prison walls.